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In 2015, lets make Health a top priority!

Health should be one of the top priorities in an individual’s life. Unfortunately it only figures frequently in a New Year’s resolution but does not translate into practice for most.

For those who are motivated, the next challenge is to decide WHAT steps to focus on. It is for them that I have written the following article.

My tips for health pursuers are-

Drink a lot of waterDigestive Surgery Clinic

It is scientifically proven that drinking lots of water especially half hour before meals can reduce fat content of the body. So, drink like a fish!



Digestive Surgery ClinicBe careful about the carbs!

Refined carbs such as grains (rice, chapatti, bread) and sugar (aerated beverages, cakes, ice creams, sweets, etc) are bad news for health. They produce spiking of blood sugar and insulin and are associated with obesity and diabetes. Keeping their intake in moderation is vital.
Those aiming for weight loss should be more radical and go on low carb diet under supervision.
Artificial sweeteners may not be as innocuous as many think.


Sleep well and wake up early! Digestive Surgery Clinic

Remember the old adage- early to bed, early to rise – makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Well, you know what? It’s true. Many of us do not appreciate the importance of a night sleep and keep depriving themselves of this wonderful gift of Nature. Sleeping in the right time and adequately keeps obesity away. Early risers have more chances to achieve in life than who don’t. Eventually, the choice is yours!


Digestive Surgery ClinicDrink coffee

Despite having plenty of benefits, coffee has been given a bad reputation by some. It is proven that it causes fat loss, is anti-diabetic and improves memory. However taken in excess it may produce palpitations and aggression.



Eat a lot of vegetables and fruitsDigestive Surgery Clinic

Vegetables and fruits contain fibre that is so important for the health of our gut. It prevents hunger, improves stool formation, has anti-diabetic properties and prevents certain cancers.



Digestive Surgery ClinicExercise regularly

Getting adequate physical activity is imperative for good health. Unfortunately, most people have a large number of excuses for not exercising. Also, many don’t realize that weight training is essential part of physical training. It is not enough to walk leisurely and expect great results from it. Playing sports or indulging in running, swimming is also a great idea.


Avoid alcohol and smoking!Digestive Surgery Clinic

It is so important to give up smoking and to drink in limits for good health. The deleterious effects are enormous ranging from poor lung function, cancers, liver disease, obesity, heart disease, addiction and personality disintegration.



Digestive Surgery ClinicDo not accept obesity in your life

Take precautions to prevent becoming obese. Take corrective measures if already obese. Do NOT accept obesity in your life. Obesity is a disease that shortens life span, invites other diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, infertility, etc. The worst part is that it hampers the quality of life of the patient including self-confidence and sexual activity.
One should take measures such as dieting, physical training and if need be, even bariatric surgery to combat obesity.

To conclude, take care of your health as if it’s your most prized possession. Do not be fooled by gimmicks of the health industry. Eat a lot of proteins and fibre. Take natural food, avoid packaged food and bottled drinks. Eat to nourish your body so that it translates into not only good health but as I believe into good positive thoughts!