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healthy and junk foods

Eat Fat to Lose Fat!

Eating fat makes us fat.



This concept needs to be revisited.

Fat has been over-implicated in the causation of obesity leading to two important unfortunate consequences. One, people have wrongly interpreted all fat as bad leading to the common perception that certain good-fat-foodstuff such as cheese, nuts, fatty fruits (olives, avocados) are also bad.

Secondly, avoiding fat naturally leads to greater carb consumption (with most people not even realising its potential side effects). And it is this precise food behaviour that needs to be addressed in a scientific manner.

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In the last two decades, many studies have demonstrated that to lose fat and keep lean, a low carb diet is the most valuable method. It is most effective in fighting the belly fat. In addition, it gives us many advantages such as normalising the serum triglycerides (fat in blood) and prevents cardiac diseases. It helps patients in their treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure. And that’s not all, it also promotes good memory and prevents decline of cognitive functions with age. An indirect benefit that should not be underestimated is the effect on satiety. A low carb diet is naturally high in proteins and fat that automatically makes a person feel full for a long time and prevents frequent hunger pangs. The net result is that the patient lands up eating fewer calories.

So if you are keen to lose fat, take a carb load of less than 100 grams a day. And if it’s to stay slim and to prevent diabetes, heart disease and ageing then a 100-150 grams of carbs in a day should be good.

All this must be bad news for people who love their rice and bread or who have a sweet tooth. I am sorry to disappoint them, but the fact of the matter is that a healthier diet is one which is low in carbs and moderate in fat content.

So go ahead- Eat the right kind and amount of fat. And Lose Fat!

Incredibly paradoxical! Isn’t it?