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Surgery for Hiatus Hernia


What is a Hiatus hernia ?

In a hiatus hernia, a part of the stomach that should normally be in the abdomen protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest (See picture). This hernia allows food and acid abnormally to travel upwards and may produce symptoms.


What are the symptoms in Hiatus hernia ?

These individuals experience heartburn when acid produced in stomach enters the chest. They also experience the distressful symptom of regurgitation (feeling of food coming up in the throat) when food travels into the chest due to this wide defect. Some hiatus hernias can lead to dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) too.


What causes a Hiatus Hernia ?

Most of the time, the cause is not known. A person may be born with a larger hiatal opening. Increased pressure in the abdomen such as from pregnancy, coughing, or straining during bowel movements may also play a role. Being overweight and obese is a definite risk factor for hiatus hernia.


How is a Hiatus Hernia Diagnosed ?

A hiatal hernia can be diagnosed with a specialized X-ray (using a barium swallow or with endoscopy.


What is the treatment of Hiatus Hernia ?

Most heartburns can be controlled by dietary changes and medicines. Surgery is required if these measures fail.


When Is Hiatus Hernia Surgery Necessary ?

Hiatus hernia surgery (laparoscopic fundoplication) is needed if symptoms of GERD and regurgitation cannot be controlled effectively by medicines or when there is complication of hernia.

Hiatal hernia surgery is performed as a laparoscopic procedure. It involves minimal pain and scars and one day hospital stay. The patient is spared the misery of life long treatment and therefore is the treatment of choice for many patients.

Watch video on YouTube on Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery.