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hernia mesh

I have Hernia. What do I need to know before surgery?

It’s disheartening for any patient to know that their abdominal wall gave way spontaneously or after a surgery. A second surgery with the possibility of a failure looms large on the patient’s mind. Many however realise they have no other option but to get operated once again and they do so. Some stay in fear postponing their surgery waiting for compelling reasons.
The right approach is to overcome the fear, gain knowledge and choose correctly.

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people exercising

In 2015, lets make Health a top priority!

Health should be one of the top priorities in an individual’s life. Unfortunately it only figures frequently in a New Year’s resolution but does not translate into practice for most.

For those who are motivated, the next challenge is to decide WHAT steps to focus on. It is for them that I have written the following article.

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Anorectal diseases such as Hemorrhoids , Anal Fistula, Rectal Prolapse now have a comfortable treatment

Anus and rectum can be afflicted by diseases  such as piles, fistula, fissure, rectal prolapse and cancers. The first four are common ailments but are infrequently reported by patients. They feel embarrassed to share it even with their friends and relatives. Sometimes the spouse also is not aware. This can be dangerous since a long standing bleeding in stools due to piles and fissure can lead to anemia or low iron in the body. These patients may present with weakness, breathlessness and hair loss.

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Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) – A simpler, safer and more effective Bariatric Surgery for Obesity and Diabetes

The Occam’s Razor suggests that entities should not be multiplied endlessly. Although it is true in many situations, in some fields where evolution and progress is ongoing, this is not true. One such field is in Bariatric surgery where yet another procedure is making great promise. It goes by the name of Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB).

Dr. R Rutledge, an American surgeon devised the procedure in 1997 and the author had the honour and privilege to learn the procedure directly from him.

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Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionised the way


Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionised the way we do abdominal surgery. In more than two decades now it is now used for almost all situations when abdominal surgery is required. The obvious advantages such as less pain, scars and hospital stay has made patients choose it over the conventional abdominal surgery that involve long incisions and it’s associated problems. Given a chance nobody wants a big cut in the belly anymore.
In this article I would like to educate and clarify to the reader regarding a few misconceptions about laparoscopic surgery.

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I would rather live with Diabetes than take a surgery! Really?

If I were a diabetic, often I ask myself- would I take a surgery that promises to halt the disease, even for a few years, that lasts an hour with a hospital stay of one day, would leave me 4 tiny scars on my belly, make me satisfied after eating a grilled fish and leave me popping vitamins for life?

Well I don’t know. I am not a diabetic and I am not an expert in mind reading either.  But I have always judged a procedure by asking myself one question- would I recommend it for my own kin or precious me. If the answer were yes then I wouldn’t hesitate to offer it to my patients.

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