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All Posts Tagged: health

Splash - the Fashion Show

A Show of Confidence – From Difficulty In Walking To Walking The Ramp

Obesity is one of the biggest diseases of our times. The damage it incurs on individual health, quality of life and on economy is huge. The treatment of obesity is difficult. Dieting and physical activity is frequently ineffective in its management.

In such a grim scenario, the dramatic success of bariatric surgery has brought some hope for millions of obese patients in the world who are struggling with their weight, obesity, arthritis, Infertility, etc.

bariatric surgery

However, there is lack of awareness regarding this treatment strategy (bariatric surgery) in our society. There is also scepticism and misconceptions amongst many – one such being that patients become weak after surgery. Frequently, many patients do not reveal their bariatric status for the fear of prejudice and discrimination.

To dispel this misconception and encourage patients to come forward with their identity, a fashion show was conceptualised by Dr Sarfaraz J Baig, Bariatric Surgeon, Belle Vue Clinic, where his patients who have undergone bariatric surgery walked the ramp with models and members of the Calcutta Swimming Club.

Splash - the Fashion Show

For people who once had difficulty in walking because of their excess weight, the walk on the ramp in front of a large audience and special guests such as Agnimitra Paul and Rachna Banerjee was a supreme demonstration of their confidence. They send out the social message that a healthy body is the best fashion statement. And Bariatric surgery gives a second chance of health to many obese people.

ex-obese patient

Agnimitra Paul, eminent fashion designer and Rachna Banerjee, eminent Tollywood actress graced this occasion and lauded the confidence and beauty of the post-surgery participants.


Dr Sarfaraz J Baig said after the event -“Bariatric surgery has now become a mainstream surgery. It gives obese patients struggling with their excess weight, diabetes, arthritis a second chance in life. There is a considerable need to spread the awareness of this surgery and dispel misperceptions regarding it.”


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Arthritis, Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Obese people frequently have knee pain that makes walking painful. This is more common with advancing age. It prevents them from walking, playing sports and enjoying vacations.


Some patients may benefit from medicines and physiotherapy and some may need joint replacement.  However, weight loss remains the most important measure for long term relief.

If patients cannot lose weight through dieting, they can be offered bariatric surgery. Even the orthopedicians are recommending it these days.

Surgeon at work in operating room.

After bariatric surgery, not only the patients lose significant weight, they start leading an active life because their knee pain is relieved dramatically. Those with diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea also have relief from these diseases.

Because of its diverse benefits, bariatric surgery is increasingly becoming popular amongst obese patients with arthritis even in the elderly age group!

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stomach inflammation

Heartburns? A Laparoscopic Surgery Can Give Permanent Relief!

1. Heartburns can be a source of great discomfort. Typically, it is brought on by eating spicy food.  Many patients also have regurgitation of food from the stomach to the gullet and sometimes mouth. This can be aggravated at night. If left untreated, this may lead to cancer of the food pipe.


2. Many patients can benefit from medicines but in certain situations surgery is the better option:

A. Those who have hiatus hernia (big gap in the partition between chest and abdomen making the stomach enter the chest)
B. Those who want to avoid taking the pills lifelong
C. When medicines are not working
D. Where reflux is causing very distressing

3. Surgery for heartburns and regurgitation (Fundoplication) can be done laparoscopically; hence, it is almost painless, needs one day hospital stay and patients can return to work within 3-5 days.

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Man Snoring

Snoring, Obesity and How Bariatric Surgery Helps?

Most people would like to dismiss their snoring as a normal phenomenon during sleep. They feel it’s the spouses who are the only one affected.


Man Snoring

Snoring can be a sign of a bad disease called OSA – Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is characterized by fatigue, day-time sleepiness and frequent disturbance of sleep at night. It is a dangerous disease since it produces lack of oxygen and accumulation of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), leading to heart disease and high blood pressure in the long run. Patients with untreated OSA commonly suffer with heart attacks and strokes that have a high fatality.

OSA has a strong association with obesity. Hence the treatment of OSA targets the weight of a person.

In dedicated centers treating OSA, like ours, the following policy is adopted:

  • If patient is mildly obese (BMI < 35) then treatment comprises of CPAP machine (a device that is applied in the nose and mouth to deliver oxygen during night) or an ENT surgery.


  • If the patient is moderately or severely obese (BMI > 35), bariatric surgery is strongly recommended.


Bariatric surgery produces dramatic improvement in OSA. Within days of surgery, patients have tremendous benefits in many ways, which are listed as follows:

  1. They sleep better with less awakening in the night.
  2. Snoring is gone, much to the relief of their spouse.
  3. They feel fresh when they wake up in the morning.
  4. The blood pressure is improved.

Because of these reasons, bariatric surgery has become popular for obese patients with OSA throughout the world!

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Dr. Sarfaraz Baig

Anal Symptoms that Matter!

Worried about certain prevailing conditions in your body?

Here are some questions and their answers which will help you to understand the situation better.


I have bleeding when I pass stool. Is it something to worry?

It depends. If it’s been for years and is painless and there has been no change in the bowel motions recently, then it’s likely it’s the piles (or haemorrhoids in scientific jargon).

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