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All Posts Tagged: Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery Kolkata

TAR Comes as Blessing for The People Suffering from Severe Hernia

New surgery (TAR) for failed hernia repair gives new life to frustrated patients.

Hernia surgery has undergone a sea of change. The surgery depends on the hernia. It is no longer acceptable to treat all hernias by one strategy.

Although smaller defects can be managed laparoscopically (with tiny holes in the abdomen) with ease, Complex Hernias– failed hernia repairs (sometimes 5-6 times), very big gaps and poor condition of overlying skin are best treated by a surgery called TAR. This surgery has given new life to some frustrated patients where conventional surgery is doomed to fail.

This technique is unique in the sense that it covers the entire weak abdomen with a mesh and also restores the functionality of the abdominal muscles better than any other procedure. Plainly put, a mesh cannot behave like normal human tissue and may interfere with normal movement of the abdomen. This is in contrast to TAR where the defect is closed with the mobilised muscles of the patient and hence the patient is able to perform movements at the torso level more efficiently.

For patients and surgeons struggling to repair difficult hernias, TAR procedure for hernia is the right option. As with all advanced procedures, it should be performed only by experts for optimum results

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Transversus Abdominis Release

Transversus Abdominis Release – Treatment for Large Hernia Defect

I am sure once in a while you stumble into a large defect hernia that fails to all the conventional repair.

It’s frustrating!

Typically, these hernias have huge lateral displacement of the rectus abdominis and a consequent contraction thus making it impossible to reinforce the midline or perform safe mesh placement. Add to it the collagen weakness and an obese patient, and the possibility of failure looms large.

These hernias would not be served well with a laparoscopic hernioplasty because of a high failure rate and mesh expulsion. Neither would an open onlay hernioplasty serve due to high wound complications. Retromuscular Stoppa repair may bridge the defect but is unlikely to approximate the midline.

In these circumstances a posterior component separation technique with transversus abdominis release (TAR) would be a great alternative. The surgery has become increasingly popular in recent times due to its efficacy and decreased wound complication rate.

Here is how we do it!

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hernia surgery India

Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair – Overcoming Incisional Hernia

Hernia surgery is undergoing continuous change in technique to improve results and to meet high expectations of the patient.

No more is one surgery held as treatment for all and neither is one technique. Each case is evaluated and strategy tailor made. Thus, we now perform open Stoppa repair, component separation procedure, laparoscopic IPOM to name a few. In some cases, a prior weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) is even done to optimise results.

Here is a case of post pelvic surgery incisional hernia which had been repaired 3 times by open technique. We repaired it laparoscopically.

Some of the critical steps of the procedure that are crucial to good outcome such as careful adhesiolysis, raising of peritoneal flaps, suture closure of the defect, large mesh and strategic fixations are shown.

Watch the video right here:

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hernia mesh

I have Hernia. What do I need to know before surgery?

It’s disheartening for any patient to know that their abdominal wall gave way spontaneously or after a surgery. A second surgery with the possibility of a failure looms large on the patient’s mind. Many however realise they have no other option but to get operated once again and they do so. Some stay in fear postponing their surgery waiting for compelling reasons.
The right approach is to overcome the fear, gain knowledge and choose correctly.

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Hernia Surgery

What You Need To Know About Hernias?

‘Hernias are bulges in the belly where intestines and abdominal fat come out under the skin through an abnormal opening. The abnormal opening may be a defect in a scar from a previous operation or a naturally present gap in the abdomen. Hence the common sites for hernias are the groin, navel or a previous operation site. A very common scenario is an elderly gentleman having a groin hernia or a middle-aged lady having hernia through a previous operative scar such as following a previous pelvic surgery.Hernias may be totally innocent not causing any problems or may produce pain, ugly bulges or may at times be a source of great danger to health when their blood supply gets impaired.A patient usually ignores an asymptomatic hernia in the hope that it will go away. Unfortunately this isn’t going to happen. An untreated hernia will increase in size over a period of time, during which it will also become more uncomfortable as well. A visit to the doctor makes it worse when he talks about surgery to correct the problem. Now imagine someone who has had a previous surgery and now has developed hernia through it. The thought of having to undergo one more cut in the belly is traumatic. As it is, the female patients are embarrassed to wear saris lest their scar should show. Surely, another scar is unacceptable. To add to it, the fear of recurrence (having a hernia again) is always there. Hence, it is understandable that many patients avoid surgery, the only cure for such a condition and fall prey to unscientific methods.In recent years, laparoscopic repair of hernias has emerged as an increasingly popular option. The very concerns of the patients such as more scars, fear of pain and failure are addressed by this procedure. Laparoscopic repair of hernias are done by making small holes in the belly instead of a large incision. This makes the procedure painless, stitchless and bloodless. There is almost no chance of wound infections, something that is seen more commonly in conventional surgeries. It also allows the patient to go back home in 1-2 days and resume normal activities. This is unprecedented in conventional surgery where the patients are hospitalized for many days with usually a tube sticking out of the abdomen. And they are not allowed to return to normal activities for few weeks.In the laparoscopic procedure, the mesh (an artificial sheet made of synthetic materials) is placed from inside the abdomen to reinforce the defect unlike what is done in open surgery where it is placed just below the skin (this leads to more discomfort). According to research, this is responsible for the decreased failure rates seen with this method.\r\nIn recent times lots of development has taken place in improving the quality of meshes and the way they are fixed. This makes it more comfortable for the patient.\r\nHowever just like all good things in life, this method of treatment too does not come cheap. The mesh costs a lot of money. As does the fixation devices. But for patients who love their body and are conscious for the comfort and results, the expense is worth it.’,

Watch this video on YouTube to know more on Hernia Surgery.

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