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bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery for children

Is your child obese? Does he sit quietly in the house not wanting to go to school or play with other children? Is he or she snoring? Are her periods not normal?

If yes, your child could be harbouring the ill effects of obesity and he or she will need prompt treatment.

The childhood obesity could easily qualify to be one of the top problems the world is facing today because of the magnitude.

The causes of this tsunami of obese children have been plenty- food and inactivity being the major driving force.

There are some important reasons why we should not ignore obese children

1. It is incorrectly thought by parents that once they grow in height they would lose their bulges. Sadly, it does not happen that way! Most of these children are going to remain obese till adulthood.

2. We are now facing, for the first time in the history of mankind, the threat that the survival of this generation will be shorter than our predecessor! This is unprecedented!

3. Obese children suffer, just like adults, with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, heartburns, snoring and immobility. They have major psychosocial issues like poor self-esteem and lack of confidence. Many are ridiculed in school and shy away from group activities and interpersonal communication. This leads to abnormal development and growth that may result in permanent psychological trauma.

Treatment of obese children is a complex task. It needs involvement of parents, paediatricians, nutritionists, psychologists and bariatric surgeons.

In our center we evaluate each case individually and adopt the appropriate step. The initial strategy is always dietary and environmental modifications along with behaviour therapy. Sometimes bariatric surgery is needed.

Mostly we wait for skeletal maturity before taking up this surgery. However, in exceptional circumstances, when obesity is so crippling as to precipitate florid diabetes, high blood pressure and significant immobility and psychosocial issues then one must consider the bariatric surgery before it’s too late. There have been instances when waiting has been counter productive leading to permanent damage and in these situations an early bariatric surgery is beneficial.

In summary, obesity is in the rise in children. Prevention is the key and treatment whenever necessary has to be multidisciplinary in a centre where nutritionists, psychologists, endocrinologists and Bariatric surgeons work in tandem.

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Arthritis, Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Obese people frequently have knee pain that makes walking painful. This is more common with advancing age. It prevents them from walking, playing sports and enjoying vacations.


Some patients may benefit from medicines and physiotherapy and some may need joint replacement.  However, weight loss remains the most important measure for long term relief.

If patients cannot lose weight through dieting, they can be offered bariatric surgery. Even the orthopedicians are recommending it these days.

Surgeon at work in operating room.

After bariatric surgery, not only the patients lose significant weight, they start leading an active life because their knee pain is relieved dramatically. Those with diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea also have relief from these diseases.

Because of its diverse benefits, bariatric surgery is increasingly becoming popular amongst obese patients with arthritis even in the elderly age group!

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Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery Can Help The Obese Infertile

Infertility in females is a growing problem. Statistics show that one in six couples are infertile. Forty percent of the problem lies in the females. One of the major influence or contributor to this problem is obesity. If you look around or visit a fertility center, one would know that many of the patients are overweight or obese. It comes as no surprise as obesity is now fast becoming the number one problem in the world. So why is obesity so important in fertility? Body fat is nowadays considered an endocrine organ responsible for producing various hormones. Some of these hormones work like birth control pills. Hence the eggs production and release are impaired and results in infertility. This phenomenon is also seen in a condition called PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), a major cause of infertility. Another important and interesting observation seen in obese individuals is that some of the severely obese individuals are unable to perform a normal sexual act because of the sea of fat which hides the external genitalia. It is also evident from medical research that assisted reproduction (fertility treatment) is less likely to succeed in obese individuals.So how does one help these infertile ladies with obesity? Since obesity is the root cause of such infertility, it would be natural to consider that weight loss would logically improve the chances of fertility in these subjects. As a matter of fact this does happen in clinical practice. Medical literature and researches are showing that weight loss is associated with improved chances of fertility either naturally or by assisted reproduction.What is the role of Bariatric Surgery in infertility?Weight loss achieved either by adoption of diet and lifestyle or by weight loss surgery (Bariatric Surgery) in cases of severe obesity have both shown favorable outcome. A new study of morbidly obese women suggests that Bariatric surgery may effectively treat one of the most common causes of infertility i.e. PCOD. It is noted that 50% of infertile women conceived within 2 years of their Bariatric surgery. Even the increased risk of miscarriage in obese women may decline after Bariatric surgery. Additionally, the risks of complications during pregnancy such as diabetes, hypertension are also diminished.’,

Know more about Bariatric Surgery through this video on YouTube.

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