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All Posts Tagged: obesity

hernia mesh

I have Hernia. What do I need to know before surgery?

It’s disheartening for any patient to know that their abdominal wall gave way spontaneously or after a surgery. A second surgery with the possibility of a failure looms large on the patient’s mind. Many however realise they have no other option but to get operated once again and they do so. Some stay in fear postponing their surgery waiting for compelling reasons.
The right approach is to overcome the fear, gain knowledge and choose correctly.

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people exercising

In 2015, lets make Health a top priority!

Health should be one of the top priorities in an individual’s life. Unfortunately it only figures frequently in a New Year’s resolution but does not translate into practice for most.

For those who are motivated, the next challenge is to decide WHAT steps to focus on. It is for them that I have written the following article.

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Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery Can Help The Obese Infertile

Infertility in females is a growing problem. Statistics show that one in six couples are infertile. Forty percent of the problem lies in the females. One of the major influence or contributor to this problem is obesity. If you look around or visit a fertility center, one would know that many of the patients are overweight or obese. It comes as no surprise as obesity is now fast becoming the number one problem in the world. So why is obesity so important in fertility? Body fat is nowadays considered an endocrine organ responsible for producing various hormones. Some of these hormones work like birth control pills. Hence the eggs production and release are impaired and results in infertility. This phenomenon is also seen in a condition called PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), a major cause of infertility. Another important and interesting observation seen in obese individuals is that some of the severely obese individuals are unable to perform a normal sexual act because of the sea of fat which hides the external genitalia. It is also evident from medical research that assisted reproduction (fertility treatment) is less likely to succeed in obese individuals.So how does one help these infertile ladies with obesity? Since obesity is the root cause of such infertility, it would be natural to consider that weight loss would logically improve the chances of fertility in these subjects. As a matter of fact this does happen in clinical practice. Medical literature and researches are showing that weight loss is associated with improved chances of fertility either naturally or by assisted reproduction.What is the role of Bariatric Surgery in infertility?Weight loss achieved either by adoption of diet and lifestyle or by weight loss surgery (Bariatric Surgery) in cases of severe obesity have both shown favorable outcome. A new study of morbidly obese women suggests that Bariatric surgery may effectively treat one of the most common causes of infertility i.e. PCOD. It is noted that 50% of infertile women conceived within 2 years of their Bariatric surgery. Even the increased risk of miscarriage in obese women may decline after Bariatric surgery. Additionally, the risks of complications during pregnancy such as diabetes, hypertension are also diminished.’,

Know more about Bariatric Surgery through this video on YouTube.

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Laparoscopic Surgery

Scarless Surgery For Gallbladder, Hernia, Appendix And Severe Obesity- Glimpse Into The Future Or Reality

Scars on the body make an ugly sight. Some do not mind, some may accept it but some just refuse to stomach it. Somewhere down the line each one of us would prefer to have a scarless body. I am sure everyone knows how acnes and their subsequent scars are a constant source of irritation to a teenager. Oh! How they would love to have a magic cure. Any cream, any pills are welcome. If you talk to them about cost , they would say “ forget cost”. Although our beauty conscious soul is most sensitive to our face, make no mistake, a metro sexual is almost equally concerned of not having scars anywhere in the body.\The popularity of Scarless Surgery is precisely riding on this sentiment. The industry is hoping that surgeons are going to learn this new novel technique. Surgeons of course are tired of coping with the rapid progress in surgery. As if laparoscopic surgery was not enough, there are scarless surgery and robotics at the horizon already. All this learning is a source of great stress to the surgeons. What is the incentive in learning this new science of scarless surgery? Cosmesis. The question is, is improved cosmesis enough of an incentive for surgeons to switch from laparoscopic surgery to scarless surgery, or will increased costs and complex training dampen enthusiasm? Is it worth to invest time, money and effort into this space? The answer is simple. In the end, many believe consumer demand will be the biggest market driver for scarless surgery—one that could eventually overcome any resistance by the physicians to the technique. Numerous movies and television shows have glimpsed a future where surgeries are performed with a slender instrument, which is certainly not a scalpel. For example, fans of the original Star Trek series remember Leonard “Bones” McCoy, the resident starship physician who was able to perform a wide range of complicated procedures on patients while leaving no scars whatsoever. Although such a utopian vision of the future still exists only in the realm of science fiction, the concept of scarless surgery is no longer a mere fantasy but a reality, thanks to the rapidly advancing technology.On a practical level, scarless surgery is now available for those who want it. It is possible to perform cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, hernia repair and bariatric surgery amongst a long list of procedures with this technique. The extra technology translates into extra cost but then when we want all the comfort for ourselves, cost becomes a very secondary issue. Already awareness is building up regarding this technique thanks to our great friend called “Google”. Earlier we were providing the options to patients between laparoscopic surgery and scarless surgery mostly to the body-conscious people such as actors, models and even doctors. Nowadays many patients walk in the clinic to enquire and even order regarding the procedure. We understand that more than anything this consumer demand is going to push the horizon of this Scarless Surgery even further. The patient ultimately has everything to gain.’,

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